Website's use of cookies

This website uses cookies for the following purposes:

– Technical functionality so we can remember your preferences.
– Traffic measurement, so we know how many people visit our site.


1. Owner information
2. What are Cookies?
2.1 How long are Cookies stored?
2.2 How to delete cookies
2.3 How to avoid cookies
2.4 How cookies are used on our website
2.5 Google Analytics (Traffic Measurement)
3. Use of personal data
3.1 Contact regarding personal data
3.2 Protection of personal data
4. List of cookies on the website

1. Owner information

This website is supplied by:

Optilogic ApS
Østerbro 4 · 5690 Tommerup
Tel: +45 42 61 79 41
CVR: 39548003

2. Cookies

This website uses cookies according to the above purposes. A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser and in order to recognize your computer on repeat visits. There is no personal information stored in our cookies and they cannot contain viruses.

2.1 How long are cookies stored?
Cookies delete themselves after a certain number of months (may vary), but they are renewed after each visit.

2.2 How to delete cookies
See instructions here:

2.3 How do I avoid cookies?
If you do not want to receive cookies you can block them. See instructions here: http: //

2.4 What cookies are used for on
Cookies are used to compile statistics on the number of users.

The site uses cookies from one of the following third parties who have access to the cookies in question:

2.5 Google Analytics (traffic measurement)

The website uses cookies from Google Analytics to measure website traffic.

You can opt out of cookies from Google Analytics here:

3. Use of personal information

4. List of cookies on the website

_gaStatistics2 yearsUsed to distinguish users.
_gidStatistics24 hoursUsed to distinguish users.